Mr. Phillips' class Blog

A brief summary of what happened daily in Mr. Phillips's classes

Intro to Journalism 2/16

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Today I handed back the tests from yesterday. If you have individual questions on the test make sure to stop in before or after school. We continued working today on the design packet that I handed out yesterday. We went over all the important terms in the glossary that you’ll want to know for the final test. I then introduced the final project, which is creating our own newspaper for the class. We divided up who would be writing for what section and came up with the following list:

Hannah- front page

News- Mikayla

Opinion- Nick

Sports- Jason

Center spread- Alexis

A&E/reviews- Emily

Profiles- Michelle

Tomorrow you will read through the rest of the design packet to learn about what to look for when laying out a page. Then you will look through old Surveyors and other H.S. papers to see layout examples for your section. If time permits you will brainstorm content for your pages as a class.

Written by CRWashPhillips

February 16, 2011 at 2:34 pm

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